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這本攝影集主要收錄的是我在愛丁堡念碩士的時候用iPhone 4S所拍的照片。對當時的我來說,第一次生活在異鄉、一個完全陌生的文化,突然隨手可拍攝的手機成為紀錄我當下眼光與情感的最直接媒介。





This photography collection primarily showcases the photos I took with an iPhone 4S during my Master's studies in Edinburgh. As a newcomer to a foreign land and a completely unfamiliar culture, the readily available smartphone became the most direct medium to document my perspectives and emotions.

I captured over five thousand images with my phone, and I curated a series of twelve photos from this collection. These twelve images participated in a photography competition and received awards. In 2015, they were acquired by the National Taiwan Arts Education Center. However, it wasn't until 2017 that I found the motivation to organise these photos and decided to publish this compilation.


The design details of this book have been carefully considered, including paper quality, ink, binding, and more, all aiming to convey the connection I wish to establish with the reader. I have always believed that completing a book requires interaction with readers and the passage of time. Therefore, only after several years does the state of this book align with what I envisioned.

tshit-tho design© 2024

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